Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How To Prevent Further Hair Loss In Women


We often think that hair loss, or baldness only happens to men. This is a huge misconception. Did you know that almost 50% of women also suffer hair loss? It could be alopecia, which is hereditary, medication, menopause, pregnancy or even stress. If you are suffering from hair loss or hair thinning, check out these tips below to help you prevent from further shedding more hair.
If your body doesn't have enough protein, this can also be the cause of your loss of hair. It is essential for you to consume enough protein in your diet everyday as much as possible. Sources of protein include red meat and fish. However, if you are a vegetarian and trying to stay away from eating meat, soy is also a great source of protein among other foods such as yogurt, nuts beans eggs and so on.
Supplemental vitamins and Omega-3s
Some of you might be regularly taking your vitamins. However lack of certain vitamins in the body, such as zinc, iron and vitamin B, can result in further loss of hair. Make sure you are able to get these needed vitamins to lessen the possibility of hair loss. You can also take omega-3 vitamins that are essential for your diet, but if you don't like taking it as a vitamin, you can always eat more fish. Olive oil and nuts are also great sources for omega-3.
Say NO to hair products with alcohol.
Certain hair care products have alcohol in them. Gel is just one example of a hair care product with alcohol. Although it is still a debate whether alcohol really causes loss of hair, it is still a known fact that alcohol makes the hair more dry and brittle, which can result to breakage of hair. It is in your best interest to avoid using hair care products with alcohol not only for hair loss, but also to prevent any further damage that it can do to your hair.
Visit a Doctor
If you think that you are suffering from significant or extreme loss of hair, try visiting your doctor. Visit your primary care physician first to rule out other possible causes of hair loss (such as hormonal change, thyroid problems etc.) Once these other possible problems are ruled out, you can try visiting a dermatologist. He will perform tests on you to get to the root of the problem, and provide you medication and advice as to how you can prevent further hair loss.
Janet Camonetti is no stranger to hair loss. After seeing her mother and sister suffering the mental anguish that Women's hair loss often creates, she decided learn everything she could to help her family. And truth be known she was seeing the tale tale signs and knew it would be upon her soon as well. Through her exhaustive research she found several products and habits that actually worked for her and her family. Check out to learn more.
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